Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'm Back at It!

I ripped through the Stieg Larsson trilogy, (a great read, 1500+ pages), so that I could get back to building guitars and amps, but that lasted about 15 minutes.

The phone rang and it was Mark, my Marco Photo buddy, asking me if I could help shoot school photos for a couple days.  Well, couple, like in two, was not to be . . . it's more like a couple months.  Oh well, it's fun and I get paid, too.  So nothin' to bitch about, right.  It's real, and it's fun, it just isn't 'real fun'.

In the spare time, I've been working on a guitar and amp for a serviceman in the 'Stan, and a guitar for my friend's grandson, who lives in Seattle.

If my knees and feet hold up from the photo shoot grind, and the beer doesn't get flat waiting to be drunk in the workshop, I'll have the orders shipped out by the end of the week . . . then, it's on to more real fun . . . building more guitars and amps.

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